Zeal LLC is a world-renowned financial-markets research boutique specializing in uncovering high-probability-for-success investment and speculation opportunities.  We publish our most basic foundational research in free weekly essays reposted on dozens of great financial-commentary websites worldwide.  The rest of our research, including our famous trading tools and actual real-world trade recommendations based on our market studies, is sold via four separate services to our subscribers and clients across the globe.


Our four services include our monthly Zeal Intelligence newsletter, our weekly Zeal Speculator alerts, our periodic Zeal Reports on our favorite stocks in a particular sector, and finally elite private one-on-one consulting with the Zeal principals.  Not surprisingly serving our subscribers and clients across this spectrum of services that we offer consumes almost all of our time, but we do still entertain professional inquiries.  Your professional question on our policies concerning our research and time should be addressed below.


Advertising  Despite our website being blessed with high traffic, we are not interested in accepting advertising.  As financial-market analysts we feel it is crucial that we maintain our independence and credibility in fact as well as in appearance.  We believe accepting third-party advertising could compromise these priceless traits in the eyes of our customers.  By only accepting payments from our subscribers and clients, we fully commit ourselves to serving them alone and we are not caught in the perilous position of trying to serve two masters.


Chart Reproduction  Zeal has grown famous around the world in contrarian circles for our innovative charts.  While these charts are copyrighted by us and we retain full rights, we do grant automatic reprint permission if a couple simple conditions are met.  Any chart that appeared in any Zeal essay may be reproduced by you for inclusion in any free or for-pay medium, without the need to contact Zeal in any way, as long as you can agree to these conditions.


1.  Zeal charts may not be altered in any way when reproduced.  We design each of our charts to communicate a specific message and we do not want that message muddled by either third-party additions or deletions to our charts.


2.  Any Zeal chart reproduced must have the URL right next to it of the original essay on our website where that chart first appeared.  If you use our charts, we would like your readers or viewers to have the option of linking back to our original essay to see our chart in its original and proper context.


If you absolutely have to alter a Zeal chart, or you need us to consider building a custom variation of one of our existing charts with specific changes that you request, please e-mail us at info@zealllc.com.  If we can modify the chart easily and quickly it may be free, but if it is complex and time-consuming we might only agree to do it under a consulting contract.


Essay Reproduction - Single Essay  We consider any requests to repost our famous copyrighted Web essays on a case-by-case basis.  If you would like to seek reproduction permission for any Zeal essay, please drop us a note at info@zealllc.com.  We prefer you reproducing an essay in its entirety to maintain the integrity and context of our original message, but we will consider excerpt reproduction requests as well.  And of course if you simply wish to link to an essay from your website back to the original on our website, no permission is required at all.  Link away to your heart's content!


Essay Reproduction - Blanket Future Permission  If you would like to request blanket future permission to reproduce all future Zeal essays or all future Zeal essays on a particular set of topics that is interesting to your readers, we do have very specific guidelines that must be met.  If you can agree to abide by these simple terms, then we will be happy to entertain your request.


1.  Our essays must be reproduced in their entirety, completely unedited, or not at all.  Each Friday we will e-mail you the latest Zeal essay hot off the presses even before it appears on our own website.  If the essay is not something that fits in with your theme or won't interest your readers, then don't publish it.  No problem at all.  But if you do wish to publish it, then it is very important that it be reproduced fully in its entirety in order to preserve its original intended integrity and context.  Editing can subtly or dramatically alter context and change the message the reader perceives, so we do not allow edited reposts.


2.  The original hyperlinks structure embedded in our essays must remain intact and be fully reproduced.  One of the greatest strengths of the Web is the way it facilitates cross referencing via hyperlinks.  We often gloss over complex topics in our essays because we can link back to earlier essays that adequately explain them.  Links are a critical part of our work.  It is not, however, necessary to link back to a particular essay on our site.  For example, if a future Zeal essay references "Real Silver Highs" and you already have this essay reposted on your website, you are welcome to redirect the link internally back to your own copy of "Real Silver Highs" rather than the original off of our website.  We do not accept advertising so we are not interested in hits, but we do want our readers to be able to dig deeper by clicking through to earlier essays that explain a particular concept in much more depth.  Our present essays build off our past ones and our future essays will build off our present ones.


3.  You are welcome to include advertising on your repost copy of a Zeal essay, but it must be clear that the advertising is part of your website schema and not from Zeal.  For example, a banner ad on top of a page with a Zeal essay is fine, but a banner ad buried deep in the body of an essay right below a chart is not.  The former is obviously part of your website design schema while the latter may be misconstrued as a company or service Zeal endorsed.  Zeal has never endorsed anything nor will we in the future so we can maintain our independence in fact and in appearance.  As such, please use discretion so it is obvious to your readers that your advertising is yours and not ours.


4.  We retain all copyrights to our work.  Reposting permission is limited to that alone, it does not erode any of our copyrights.  If we feel you are violating any of these terms, we also retain the right to ask you to pull Zeal essays from your website and unilaterally terminate your blanket repost permission.


If these terms are acceptable, please drop us a note at info@zealllc.com and we will take a look at your website and put you on our Friday mailing list for new hot-off-the-presses Zeal essays if everything looks good.  We will need your specific e-mail address to which you want the essays submitted as well as a list of essay topics you are interested in receiving.  This can range from all essays to only essays on gold for instance if your site specializes in gold alone.  We only want to send you essays that you want to receive, so listing the topics you are interested in will help keep us from bombarding you every week with essays irrelevant to your business.


The actual essays will be e-mailed directly to you on any Friday where our topic meshes with your interests.  The text will be included in an attached Microsoft Word file.  The web-ready GIF charts will also be attached to this same e-mail.  We can also send you the text in a plain old TXT file if you wish, but then you will have to check the copy on our website to properly reproduce our hyperlinks.


Media Interviews  Zeal principals rarely grant interview requests, in any medium.  If you want us to even consider your request, there are a few things to be aware of.  First, granting an interview request means taking our time away from our paying customers, so in order to even entertain a request it must be beneficial to our business.  If we share our time and expertise with your publication or show, we expect you to guarantee up front, in writing, that you will explicitly mention www.ZealLLC.com in writing in your publication near our comments or display our URL prominently on the on-screen graphics of your television show.  If you are not interested in helping us spread the word on Zeal LLC, then we are not interested in taking time away from our customers to do your interview.


Second, the bigger your readership or viewership, the more influential your publication or show is, the higher the probability that we will be interested in granting your interview request.  While we have nothing against small businesses, our time is finite and we would rather serve our customers than be talking with the media.  As such, unless your media outlet has a broad enough reach to help Zeal LLC continue to grow and prosper, we will probably choose not to cut into our scarce and valuable time best spent serving our customers.  Our customers pay our bills and make Zeal possible, so our primary loyalties will always remain to them alone.


Finally, we are very busy and need considerable lead time on interview requests.  If you have a story deadline looming and you needed an interview yesterday, don't even bother contacting us.  We won't be able to rearrange our schedules quickly enough to accommodate you.  But if you have planned ahead and can schedule an interview a week or two in advance, we will entertain your request.  For interview requests, please e-mail us at info@zealllc.com.